Rancho California / Anza Road Roundabout
Temecula, CA
As part of an as-needed consulting contract with the Riverside County Transportation & Land Management Agency, VDLA was retained to provide conceptual design, final design and construction bid documents for planting, irrigation and landscape lighting for the Rancho California Rd. / Anza Rd. roundabout project in Temecula, CA. Conceptual graphics were prepared to assist the County’s efforts in community consensus building. Landscape design, trail amenities and signage for the proposed roundabouts draws on the Temecula Valley Wine Country Design Guidelines to reflect the unique character of the region. Plantings were selected to support the theme in the adopted Wine Country Community Plan Streetscapes Design Guidelines, as well as abide by requirements of the Citrus / Vineyard Policy Area. Parkway and roundabout plantings provide an aesthetic balance and ‘softening’ of hardscape amenities such as patterned paving used in splitter islands, theme fencing and multi-use trails. Use of regionally appropriate drought-tolerant plantings reduce the requirement for supplemental irrigation watering.