We love our LEED APs and Certified Projects.

Did you know that in 2018 USGBC celebrates it's 25th anniversary? We love our LEED certified projects and would like to share a bit of fun facts with you about USGBC:
>2000: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation Phillip Merrill Environmental Center in Annapolis, Maryland was the FIRST project to achieve LEED Platinum.
>2003: U.S. General Services Administration mandates LEED certification for all federal projects.
>2006: Washington, D.C., passes the Green Building Act requiring LEED-certification for all new nonresidential construction projects larger than 50,000 square feet.
>2012: 12,000th commercial project achieves LEED certification, 12 years after public launch.
>2018: 41,725 LEED-certified commercial project globally.
>2018: 167 countries with projects participating in LEED
>2018: 166,000 LEED APs globally
We LOVE our LEED APs Ling Chan and Luke Taylor! Thank you for helping to make the world a greener place!